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Scarlet is:

…the girl next door with a deadly serious secret.
…the ethereal, but offbeat, storybook heroine.
…the ingenue you underestimated.

Scarlet’s theatre training provides her a strong foundation in character work, while her love of film lends her performances ease and nuance.

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Reviews for “Antigone, Presented by the Girls of St. Catherine’s” at Sacred Fools (March, 2020)

Scarlet Sheppard as Susan — the head girl who is entrusted to protect her peers and help run the drama club — delivers one of the most grounded and nuanced performances. In Susan, we see the Greek tragedy play out. Does she stand up for what’s right and risk everything, or swallow injustice to keep the peace? Stage Raw LA

Scarlet Sheppard is do-gooder student: Susan. Reminiscent of Tracy Flick (Reese Witherspoon) in Election, but less manipulative, Susan is constantly trying to do the right thing. Sheppard never overdoes the Type-A aspect of her character…even in her most distraught and conflicting moments, she does her best to maintain it to a fantastic degree. You can clearly see the struggle in Scarlet’s face. That conflict was so fun to watch. Nerds of Color

Reviews for “Rise and Fall of Little Voice”

at Theatre Wit (September, 2015)

The actor playing Little Voice must credibly impersonate the greats. Fortunately, Scarlet Sheppard has the chops and does dead-on soundalikes of a half-dozen notable vocalists. She's convincing and even astonishing.Windy City Times

Scarlet Sheppard’s impressions of Garland, Billie Holiday, Marilyn Monroe, and Édith Piaf really are quite amusing. She is also a marvelous actress; as much as a shrinking violet as LV is, Sheppard also makes clear her exasperation and growing awareness that she cannot go on living as she has. Chicago Critic

Scarlet Sheppard particularly excels in her portrayal of the withdrawn, tormented Little Voice. As a bashful, uncommunicative teenager who conveys more with facial expressions and body language than she does verbally, Scarlet Sheppard is terrific. Chicago Theatre Review

(Sheppard’s) transformation from wallflower to slinky chanteuse is startling.” Splash Magazine

Review for indie feature

“White Zombie” (RagnBone, 2014)

Scarlet Shepard is absolutely iconic as Madeline White. She is beautiful with a type of grace that summons images of classic Hollywood starlets from the golden age of cinema. umustbebored